Very Inspiring Blogger Award!!!

Thursday, April 03, 2014

I've been nominated for Very Inspiring Blogger Award by the beautiful Becky so thank you very much!! 

Award Rules:
1) Thank and link the awesome person who nominated you
2) List the rules and display the award
3) Share 7 things/facts about yourself
4) Nominate 15 other amazing blogs and comment on their blogs to let them know you have nominated them and provide a link to your post
5) Optional. Proudly display the award logo anywhere on your blog e.g. side bar and follow the person who nominated you.  

So... 7 facts about me ol' self! 

1. The colour yellow looks awful on me
2. Name any Disney classic movie and I can reenact a scene and sing a song from it 
3. I'm allergic to water. Yes. Bathing and swimming give me terrible rashes. YES I still do have my shower daily!
4. I can sing a few songs in Spanish
5. I own the most fabulous Sheltie and her name is Echo 
6. I have a lip balm fetish and own quite the collection 
7. Currently studying Hotel and Leisure Facilities Management 

I nominate everyone following me! 

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